Gallery: MHOSS Host: AerEquestrian Group: DIV A2 - MINI OF BREYER & OTHER Contest: DIV A2 CLASS 10 ARABIAN GELDING Entries: 21 competitive Recorded Date: May 15 2021 GMT Judgment: by = AerEquestrian 1. The Specialist -- tear 2. Desert Deserted -- Red Wolf Ranch 3. Aiden -- Trina 4. Ferran El Baha -- tear 5. Huffy -- momoneyxd 6. Shabah Emir -- Dee Whitley 7. Khemoventure -- Red Wolf Ranch 8. Pale Desert -- Red Wolf Ranch 9. Midnyte Sahara -- lms 10. Stellar Night -- NikkiE DQ: Shahntyke -- Red Wolf Ranch Comment: HI, Lovely, but MHOSS rules state that the only tack permitted in breed and color classes are bridle and reins or halter and lead.